Friday, January 15, 2010

memories... sweet memories

You can never really wipe off all the memories. The remnants always remain inside you for eternity. Some so precious treasures you don’t want to let go, some you try to forget but remain deep-rooted inside you and others that you just don’t care about and become unresponsive to.
I like making memories and I try to treasure them by scrap booking. It helps me relive the moments. Some bring joy while others a tear to the eye. But they all are precious in their own ways.
Time goes by swiftly and this hobby gives me a chance to let my memories be an echo that never fades away and will remain sounding through the years….

PS: i recently completed a scrap book on my London trip. 


  1. Lovely.. have seen some pics on facebook.. but this is cool stuff.

    Inspires me to do something like this :)

    Cheers..Keep Writing.

  2. awesome work.. you are really good @this.. :)..

  3. hi ma'am...awesome stuff...its all super-creative
